Friday, August 29, 2008

A Good Comment

August 28th,200811:41 pm
Finally, Obama took the Emperor’s New Clothes to task. He spoke directly to Republican nonsense. It will be hard for them–and they will try–to portray him as a tax and spend liberal, or unspecific, or as an empty out of touch celebrity.
Still, they will try. As he said, when your track record is apalling, make the election about small issues of personality and defame your opponent’s character.
Here’s a test you can ask your McCain-leaning friends: if a Democrat had the current administration’s track record, what would they be doing.
Honest and reflective ones will acknowledge that they would be screaming for a change–any change. Not a candidate 95% aligned with that track record.
How do I know that? I have many Republican friends who are supporting Mr. Obama.
— Posted by Fred
