Thursday, October 2, 2008

From MyBestTime on Paul Newman Based on Frank deFord Yesterday

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Leaving the World a Better Place
Paul Newman was among a hand full of celebrities who genuinely understand what it means to leave the world a better place. It's what I want to do. It's what I feel called to do. Some of us have our own Paul Newman stories. One of his "Hole in the Wall Gang" camps for kids who are seriously ill is not far from where I live. I know some of their stories. Many years ago my husband sat on a dais with Paul during a long but important rally. Mr. Newman amused himself by peeling, slicing and eating oranges. (A good thing to do when you're trying to influence Floridians.)But this morning I heard what is now my favorite story. I awaken each morning at 6:30 A.M. to National Public Radio. Sometimes I hear things when I'm still half asleep so they mingle with my dreams. This is an excellent time to hear a Paul Newman story. A neighbor of his in Connecticut was being interviewed. He explained how the Newman's neighbors treated he and Joann like everybody else so the Newman/Woodward couple was able to move about freely. Shortly before his death, Paul, looking ravaged by his illness, took his wife to a concert. The neighbor and his wife were seated next to them. When the lights dimmed, Paul took Joann's hand and held it throughout the entire performance. How did the neighbor react to this? He reached for his own wife's hand. We'll all miss you, Paul. You were a class act.
