Friday, October 31, 2008

Sign of the Times

So Sissy dropped me off at the Woodlawn Springfield Pike Obama Headquarters, so I could check things out and then walk home for my daily exercise.

After doing a half-hour of telephoning, I asked for an Obama yard sign, and was given one to take home.

On a whim I decided to hold it above my head as I walked home through Woodlawn. I was a walking Obama sign.

What a reaction!

* Someone from the Payday Loan office rushed out to ask what the early-voting hours were at the downtown Board of Elections; (Capping payday loans at 28% is a referendum item on the Ohio ballot, by the way.)

* A lot of cars honked as though the Reds had just won the World Series;

* One woman at a stoplight zipped down her passenger window and said "I like your sign!" "I voted early."
