Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cramer -- No Mention of Lehman-AIG Blowup Day Today Supposedly

I just watched on TIVO Mad Money from last night. No mention of the world-shaking October 21st Leh-AIG payoff or non-payoff in the hundreds of billions. But Ben Stein wrote a piece that seems to solve the crisis: declare all the CDS (credit default swaps) "based on LEH bonds" illegal if not covering actual bonds held by the purchaser.

Same principle as not allowing you to insure your home for more than its value and then burning it down, or even when it burns down on its own. Or insuring your neighbor's house and then burning it down. Or something.

But then, we'll have a lot of hedge funds taking huge losses, and many Yales and Harvards may be investors in those hedge funds, etc.
