Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cramer's Climbing Back Into the Boat

(c) 2010 F. Bruce Abel

So much for two of his six impediments to getting back into the market.

Mad Money Recap Nightly Recap for: Wednesday, June 9, 2010: "and if China can actually take stake in troubled banks, that would elevate a lot of concerns… that would really make me feel much better.

That actually might do it… and even if they don’t … the increasingly likelihood of a soft landing in China puts us in a place where good news could eventually matter again… how about the rest of the checklist? Alright, nothing warranting something so dramatic as a checkmark… but we did get some good news on a Spanish bank front… stabilization, Banco Santander spending $2.5b to buy back the 24% stake in its Mexican bank owned by Bank of America…"
