Friday, August 28, 2009

Aggregation -- Springfield Township

How will I know if I can save money in this Program?
The Price to Compare (PTC) is shown on Duke’s bill, and is an indicator of the rate for electric generation supply that the average customer is paying Duke Energy. The average customer would avoid paying Duke that amount if they switch electric generation suppliers, and thus if the competitive supplier’s price is less, the customer saves the difference. However, customers who use more than 1,000 kWh per month in the winter months (Oct-May) will tend to have a lower-than average Price to Compare, while customers using more than 1000 kWh per month in the summer months (June-September) will tend to have a higher than average PTC. In addition to this seasonal consideration, other components of Duke’s PTC change quarterly. Thus Duke’s PTC is unknown beyond the current quarter, while Dominion Retail’s price is fi xed. The amount you will save over the term of the contract is unknown because Duke’s price is unknown, but we believe that with the program price of 6.88 cents/kWh you stand a very good chance of saving over the life of the program, in addition to the peace of mind of knowing that your rate will not go up.
