Wednesday, November 5, 2008

And the World Precincts Report In

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 4, 2008, 11:20 pm — Updated: 11:26 pm -->
And Then They Wept
By Charles M. Blow
History will record this as the night the souls of black folk, living and dead, wept – and laughed, screamed and danced – releasing 400 years of pent up emotion.
They were the souls of those whose bodies littered the bottom of the Atlantic, whose families were torn asunder, whose names were erased.
They were those who knew the terror of being set upon by men with clubs, of being trapped in a torched house, of dangling at the end of a rough rope.
They were the souls of those who knew the humiliation of another person’s spit trailing down their faces, of being treated like children well into their twilight years, of being derided and despised for the beauty God gave them.
They were also the tears of those for whom “Yes We Can, ” Obama’s campaign slogan, took on a broader, more profound meaning.
“Yes We Can” escape the prison of lowered expectations and the cycles of poor choices. “Yes We Can” rise above history and beyond hatred. “Yes We Can” ascend to Martin Luther King’s mountain top and see the promised land where dreams are fulfilled, where the best man wins and where justice prevails.
During this election African-Americans, their hearts weary from disappointment, dared to hope and dream again. Tonight their dream has been realized.
Whether or not you agree with Barack Obama’s politics, there is no denying that his election represents a seminal moment in the African-American narrative and a giant leap forward on the road to America’s racial reconciliation.
In fact everyone, regardless of race, should feel free to shed a tear and be proud of how far our country has come.
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1. November 5, 2008 12:43 am Link
I live in Germany and sent my ballot in weeks ago with lots and lots of hope. Tonight I stayed up all night to see this moment, Barak Obama, smiling, inspiring, uplifting. I can’t wait to get out my flag! I haven’t flown it since 9/11. Finally, something to celebrate!— Sharon
2. November 5, 2008 2:18 am Link
God bless America! Our nation has much to be proud of tonight.— Julia Rodriguez
3. November 5, 2008 2:37 am Link
tonight, i wept at barak obama’s words. even during mccain’s speech, i was afraid to believe it was true. Then, we hit the streets.— rachel
4. November 5, 2008 2:39 am Link
“God bless us, everyone!”— RRD
5. November 5, 2008 2:40 am Link
I live in Denmark and sentr my ballot in weeks ago and got up at three a.m. to hope for - and then participate in- this wonderful victory.
Bob S.— wrsherwood
6. November 5, 2008 2:41 am Link
I live in Israel, and though this country overwhelming wanted a different result, my ballot was cast long ago for Obama and I haven’t stopped crying all morning. The ideals I was raised with my entire life have finally come to fruition.— Maya
7. November 5, 2008 2:41 am Link
I shed tears.— Timothy Morton
8. November 5, 2008 2:42 am Link
Us white folks are weeping too. Still weeping in the wee hours. Thank you for writing this touching piece.— Julia Roberts
9. November 5, 2008 2:42 am Link
I just told a friend that I’ve only waved an American flag on two occasions: 9/11 and when I dressed as Condoleeza Rice last year for Halloween.
Finally, a positive reason to wave that flag! With pride! Congratulations, America - we did it!!!
I’m so glad my mother and those of her generation (of all races, who lived through Jim Crow) are getting to see this.— Tsahai
10. November 5, 2008 2:43 am Link
With humility and with pride, we here in Hawaii know in our hearts that what we call the Aloha Spirit helped shape Barack Obama’s message of respect and understanding and tolerance. That’s why we instinctively believe in him. And — oh, yes — voted for him by a 3-1 margin.— Jim Loomis
11. November 5, 2008 2:44 am Link
Oh happy day! For all of us.— Lincoln Greene
12. November 5, 2008 2:45 am Link
I am a disabled Viet Nam vet. White, west side of Chicago I always knew the USA did a lot of great things, but would never be a great country because of racism. Now I think we have the opportunity to become a great country.— chuckieboy
13. November 5, 2008 2:47 am Link
I am proud to be an American today. This election marks a new beginning for a better direction for my country.— Gary
14. November 5, 2008 2:47 am Link
When the results came in, I reminded my husband he didn’t have to make those choking sounds — he could just go ahead and cry. I can’t even take in yet how important this is. Charles Blow is right — this is hope and pride for all of America. Whatever happens next, we will never be the same.— Barbara Crowley
15. November 5, 2008 2:48 am Link
Tonight, standing next to dear friends, African American and white, we all cried and cheered and celebrated together. Racism is a nightmare we all long to awake from and tonight, we began to rise together.— Nina
16. November 5, 2008 2:48 am Link
Congratulations to the people of the United States of America. I’m writing from South Africa and when I woke up this morning (6am), I couldn’t wait to switch on the TV to see developments, only to have to wait for another hour!! But then it was worth the wait.
Definitely a time to celebrate. It reminds me of the time when Nelson Mandela also became the very first black President of South Africa….a time to cry tears of joy!
Congratulations, Amhlope!— Florence
17. November 5, 2008 2:48 am Link
Thrilled after all these years, as a young law student met Jess Jackson in a Holiday Inn on the day he spoke at the 1984 convention. I had hopes then realized today that my children and all of our children will dream the American dream together.— Kathleen Lind
18. November 5, 2008 2:49 am Link
i have cried a little tonight, i am so happy, i am a white person and feel so happy, Bush is almost over and an intelligent man is taking his place!— dennis D’Alesandro
19. November 5, 2008 2:51 am Link
I am not an American from India. But I still had the exact feeling you described.At last a race has been redeemed and America can truly say its free.I remember o’reilly factor a few years back when a african american told reilly that we will have a black president soon whether you like it or not and bill reilly mocked him as only he can.Today all bill reilly’s should hang themselves in shame because americans have proved that people like reilly do not reflect their sentiments and they are free from prejudices.— hmosur
20. November 5, 2008 2:51 am Link
I’m so proud of my country tonight. What a historic moment.Dirty politics didn’t work. The fear card didn’t work. But, an honorable, intelligent man won. Yes, we can! Yes, we did!I can only imagine that the world is celebrating with us. Looking forward to change.— Susan Schreffler
21. November 5, 2008 2:51 am Link
My wife and I sat on the couch in our little house here in Tennessee and watched the television and wept for the greatness which is America and the hope that Mr. Obama brings.
We believe it is the single greatest moment in American political history.
God bless America.
God bless Barack Hussein Obama.— John and Sandra
22. November 5, 2008 2:52 am Link
I too wept for the promise of this country being fulfilled today. I am a naturalized citizen from South Asia and though I have lived here for 40 years I still can’t believe we’ve actually elected a person of color as our president.
I am hopeful that our new president will help raise our stature in the world, bring this country together, and makes us all proud Americans.
I am also hopeful that our new president will solve long-standing rifts between the West and the Muslim world and try help out countries sort out their differences around a conference table and not on the battlefield.
I wish him all the best and I congratulate all of us for the courage we have shown today in putting aside our difference and electing someone based not on the color of their skin but rather their talent, their ability and their dedication to doing good work.— S.A.
23. November 5, 2008 2:52 am Link
Well said Mr. Blow! That is the essence!I cannot keep my tears!The Force is with America!— abe
24. November 5, 2008 2:52 am Link
I am less excited about having another president that does not support gay marriage. This is a big “can’t” for me.— Ray
25. November 5, 2008 2:55 am Link
…and then WE wept. I can add “humbled” to the long list of emotions I have felt tonight after reading your essay. Thank you.— Roger Ouellette
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Charles M. Blow, The Times's visual Op-Ed columnist, conducts a discussion about all things statistical — from the environment to entertainment — and their visual expressions.
Biography: Charles M. Blow
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And Then They Wept
History will record this as the night the souls of black folk, living and dead, wept – and laughed, screamed and danced – releasing 400 years of pent up emotion.They were the souls of those whose bodies littered the bottom of the Atlantic, whose families were torn asunder, whose names were erased.They were those who [...]
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