Thursday, November 20, 2008

Comments on Kristof Article

Thursday, November 20, 2008
readers' comments
Obama, Misha and the BearBack to Article »
President-elect Barack Obama needs a new approach to Russia if we want to avoid a new cold war, and we also need to get over our crush on Georgia’s president, Mikheil Saakashvili.
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November 20, 2008 6:16 am
Kristof, thanks for telling the truth. The last thing NATO needs is Georgia, and both campaigns (especially McCain's) hid the truth behind simplistic anti-Russian rhetoric.
— Jeff, Oakland, CA
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November 20, 2008 6:16 am
If the US abandons Georgia everybody, friend and foe alike, will know that the US is a treacherous ally and a harmless enemy. The US should not cow in the face of Russian aggression, but contain it and wait till the bluff becomes apparent. That's what Reagan did with the IRBM saga and that's how the US won the Cold War. Then and now Russia's strategic goal is to peel off countries from the Atlantic alliance. If the US validates Russia's bullying they will achieve them.
— keyah, Madrid, Spain
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November 20, 2008 6:16 am
I agree that the US shouldn't allow Georgia in NATO. We have to deal with the realities as they are, thanks to Pres. Bush.Because of the invasion of Iraq, Putin feels emboldened to invade any country where he considers he is justified, whether it's Chechnya or Georgia. And he doesn't fear us.Secondly, the price of oil has soared in the last six years in part because of the invasion upset the balance of power in the region and caused so much instability. This has strengthened Putin's hand tremendously (to say nothing of Chavez and Ahmadinejad, the other winners of the Iraq War)So, what should Obama do? Tread lightly and speak clearly, but with authority. Yet, it's no time for America to flex its muscles. We need to rebuild our credibility, repair our relationships, and choose our battles wisely. It's going to take a while.
— Adam Hohenberg, Memphis, TN
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November 20, 2008 6:16 am
I think it should also be pointed out again, that while John McCain was fulminating about going to war to defend Georgia ("We're all Georgians")Condoleesa Rice engaged in some "shuttle diplomacy" to try to resolve the crisis. She talked to NATO, she talked to Georgia, she visited everyone involved EXCEPT RUSSIA! This kind of arrogance and cold-war thinking in US foreign policy is a large part of the reason Russia feels angry and threatened. Hopefully the new administration will negotiate with Russians in an atmosphere of mutual respect and desire to preserve the peace. Saakashvili is a self-serving little dictator attempting to protect himself with American and NATO power.
— Jim Doyle, Honolulu
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November 20, 2008 6:16 am
Thank you, Mr. Kristof, for your cautionary observations. As tempting as it is to make the August war an example of Russia bullying a weaker neighbor, the real situation seems to make candidate Obama's initial comment, that there was blame on both sides, all the more rational.
— Lee Dittmann, Kingman, AZ
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November 20, 2008 6:16 am
What is certain is that Misha played Putin's hand. The Russians started concentrate troops and hardware, in Abkhasia, at least in two months before the war. Russian media reported about heavy military traffic on the highway between Sochi and Sukhumi.Even if Misha didn't lost the nerve the Russians would have moved. Seventy years ago a man of mine acquintance, one Mr. Ivanov, commanded Fire to his battery, firing onto the Soviet territory; thus began the Soviet-Finland war, in 1939. Does anyone believe that there is an unlimited stock of honor in Mr. Putin and his gang? As to NATO for the Georgians now it will be one more invitation to Mr. Putin to swallow Georgia, with impunity. It's enough to look at NATO, minus the US, perfomance in the Balkans and Afganistan, to understand that NATO cannot and will not save the Georgians. So for the time being Misha better sits tight.
— Felix, Mountain View
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November 20, 2008 6:16 am
Well, Saakashvili is certainly a genius and a democrat- attacking a civilian enclave with the certainty of Russian response- and presumably the prayer of American intervention? You know, since our army isn't too busy lately. Has anyone looked into the obvious question of US assurances/ prodding with hopes of influencing an upcoming election? I mean, we keep being told what great friends McCain and his people were with Saakashvili...
— Sev, Pomona, NY
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November 20, 2008 6:16 am
A flat tax, which is a tax that falls most heavily on those least able to pay, is, in fact, morally corrupt in itself.Any country that uses such a tax is unworthy of any kind of suppot from the United States.
— marik7, wailiku, hi
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