Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Duke Energy Charges for Bills Received December

Here we go into the winter. Last year's Duke Energy natural gas cost per ccf for Laurel Avenue property was $1.32 per ccf. So since December's bill will come in at $1.1779 per the attached, we have a bona fide reduction in rates so far this winter, to the tune of $.15 per ccf. Project that out to say 1500 ccf for the winter and that results in a $225 "savings" for other things. (Remember that December bill reflects November usage, i.e. what we are going through now.)
An almost identical calculation can be made for the Greenville property which is vacant and for sale.

Now let's talk about the Gas Cost Recovery Charge, the "GCR," which is more or less the base cost of gas to Duke Energy. See how volatile it is! The following figures are taken straight off my bills, which are on this blog -- just click on "ebills."Most recent month at the top. Note that summer GCR's are irrelevant to the residential user.

GCR Duke Energy Cinti:Usage Month Nat Gas

November 30, 2008 $.9810 (from above Apples-to-Apples filing of yesterday)

October 27, 2008 $1.03

September 28, 2008 $1.17

August 28, 2008 $1.41

July $1.41

June $1.24

May $1.16

April $1.14

March $1.19

February $1.03
