Friday, July 9, 2010

I Told You So! Duke, Springfield Twp. wrangle over electricity offers | | Cincinnati.Com

(c) 2010 F. Bruce Abel

The aggregation fun starts.  I predicted it.  Click on the label :aggregation" or just put that word up in the upper left space, to collect all my blogs on this.  Now I will do the same to see if I'm right on my comment just now.

What a farce deregulation of electricity is.  What a waste of manpower both here and at the Ohio Public Utilities Commission.  Kentucky regulators never drank the deregulation Cool-Aid thanks to staffer Rick Raff.

Duke, Springfield Twp. wrangle over electricity offers Cincinnati.Com: "An electric service offer from a Duke Energy subsidiary is aggravating Springfield Township officials who say it inaccurately describes the township's new residential aggregation offer to residents."
