Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cincinnati.Com | Cincinnati Enquirer | Paul Daugherty » The Morning Line, 7/1

Cincinnati.Com Cincinnati Enquirer Paul Daugherty » The Morning Line, 7/1: "Cincinnati.Com Staff
PaulDaugherty wrote:

Ah. Occasionally, TML forgets the list of readers (i.e. Morning Mobsters, aka Mobsters) is growing exponentially and thus, a glossary of TML-isms is needed.

DBJ -- Daily Blog Jack, a lame effort to increase the page views, usually with scantily clad women.

MPWS -- My Pirates Who Suck

Pogo -- an informed Mobster. More Pogos welcome

Shin -- an informed Mobster who happens to be right of Reagan politically

The Men -- the Cincinnati Bengals

The Club -- the Cincinnati Reds

Keystone -- The Morning Man's beverage of choice

The Morning Man -- me
7/1/2010 10:15:59 A"
