Friday, April 16, 2010

Cramer Not Doing Well on CNBC This Afternoon

(c) 2010 F. Bruce Abel

Readers of my blog know that I admire Cramer. Today, because I cheer the SEC filing against GS, I see Cramer in another light. Everybody has blind spots and on politics and GS Cramer has blind spots. He cannot be trusted on this item.

The commentator on the right, possibly with a German accent, was spot-on and CNBC was shameful in taking a break and kicking him off the dialogue.

By the way Morgenson nailed this story December 24, 2009, when I was boarding a plane for Italy and missed it until recently. Click on my label "Morgenson," below, and go to her lengthy story. Clearly this story was from a leak from the SEC.
