Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pausing to Clean Shower Upsets Husband

DEAR ABBY: After returning from a five-day vacation, my wife and I discovered our air-conditioning system was on the fritz, but we were so tired we went to bed anyway.
I woke up the following morning, grabbed a quick shower and, feeling amorous, gently awakened my wife. I suggested she might want to also shower so we could “get close” before the house got too warm. She agreed.
I waited and waited. She seemed to be taking a very long time. When I peeked in I found her scrubbing the shower floor and walls. I was mighty unhappy that my wife would rather scrub the shower than join me in bed.
She says she did nothing wrong and claims I’m making a mountain out of a molehill. What say you? --STILL HOT AND BOTHERED IN GEORGIA
DEAR STILL H AND B: Has your mind never wandered? Perhaps your wife saw a speck or two of soap scum as she was finishing her shower - - after all, two people had just used it. Rather than becoming upset, you should have gone into the shower to help her get the job done. If you had, things might have worked out differently.
