Friday, July 10, 2009

How to Read This Blog

© 2009 F. Bruce Abel

How to Read This Blog:

Periodically I write a little background instructing my anonymous readers how to read this blog.

First, you should know that I read the New York Times first every day, especially the Op Ed page. I do not read the Wall Street Journal. I just don’t.

When at home I have CNBC on mute all day. I TIVO it. I watch Fast Money, Stop Trading, Mad Money, Charlie Rose, and TIVO same.

I watch Consuelo Mack every Saturday.

Since January 15 or so I have resumed being an active trader with a $25,000 Schwab account. If you must know I’m losing money so far and I’m in agreement that common stocks are in control of the hedge funds and others making them a casino as never before. Bonds might be too, although there are niches within the bond category that should be explored, a la Bill Gross interview just posted.

Right now we have been up on a family island in Canada for almost a full month, with access to wireless in our “rustic” cottage. My big observation about the Globe & Mail, which I get every Saturday up here fresh off the Toronto press, is how retail-oriented is their financial pages. Very good.
