Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Awesome Cramer Last Night

This segment deals with the Triple ETF's that are destroying the market. Other segments include why the article in the NYT on HWP was a good article but totally misleading for an investor.

I noodled back into Cramer because I bought a few weeks age, and own, 200 shares of X, United States Steel, which fell two points after hours, after a horrible earnings announcement. It just so happened that on October 28, 2008 I typed in verbatim comments of Jim about X. Too bad I didn't go back and research my own blog before i bought X a month ago. It was perhaps the only short sale Jim Cramer has ever recommended on his show, and his reasons were persuasive then as they are now.

One overall theme, which I am relearning, is that the market is too dangerous for the individual investor. The ETF'r of the world are in control so long as the SEC doesn't act.
