Tuesday, March 18, 2008

How Could He Do It?

From "MyBestTime," the Blog I mentioned yesterday.

FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2008
How Could It Happen?
The news is dying down about Eliot Spitzer, the disgraced former governor of New York. But people are still full of opinions about how a man like Gov. Spitzer could get caught up in such shenanigans.

It reminded me of some mainline, highly respected ministers I've known personally who've been caught up in similar things and ultimately destroyed their careers and their families and broke the hearts of countless other people.

I think those who isolate themselves become vulnerable. They start out headed in the right direction but as they become more powerful they begin to surround themselves with only those who listen and follow their orders - but never question them.

We all need people in our lives who say "Hey, knock it off!" from time to time.

Years ago I knew a lady who started her adult life and her career full of good dreams and ambitions. She became an elementary school principal. She ruled her school with an iron fist. She never married. There was nobody in her life to call her into question.

She got weirder and weirder. She ended up without a job and friendless.

We all need people - who love and respect us - to tell us the truth.

My friends, family and colleagues sure don't let me get away with any shenanigans.

