Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ten Things

Cramer has done this before and it is good as a trading guide.  Last night he listed ten things or concepts that had to happen that would make the market good to invest in again.  It is not yet posted, so I will now go down into the barn room and look at it on TIVO and then replicate it here.

When he did this before he didn't wait until all of his list was satisfied before he became bullish again, as I recall.

Based on the ten things we have a ways to wait.

Being old, I can remember only one -- gold going down three straight days.  (It is down this morning in pre- trading.)

OK, here are the 10:

1.   leaders have to come back from vacation;
2.   bank stocks have to stop going down;
3.   tech's seasonal slump has to end;
4.   must be more mergers and acquisitions;
5.   must be lower stock and gold prices;
6.   Europe must step up its game;
7.   Brent crude must go below 100;
8.   China must stop raising rates;
9.   Europe says we'll stick with a VERSION of the euro, not the euro;
10. must be some stock leadership.

Wow! is gold going down or what?  dn 2.91 as I type (GLD, that is, which is 1/10th of real gold).
