Monday, May 24, 2010

Marcellus plus: The parfait shale play - No Hot Air

Marcellus plus: The parfait shale play - No Hot Air: "May 23, 2010
Marcellus plus: The parfait shale play
The Marcellus Shale in the Eastern US has been THE example of the sudden emergence of abundant natural gas. The only issue over the Marcellus is whether or not it or Qatar has the world's largest gas field, even though as little as six years ago any idea that the shale would be commercial was not discounted so much as derided - somewhat like many UK or European shale plays are today.
The story of shale seems to be that however optimistic and seemingly over the top initial estimates, they end up being wrong. But this isn't something to give shale deniers any help: the shale plays keep on getting bigger and bigger:"
