Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wonderful Sports Stories

(c) 2010 F. Bruce Abel

It feels like we're in the Dead of Winter all right!

A year ago we were in hot and humid Manila with dear Genny. But today...

Wonderful sports stories in today's Sunday New York Times, on this frigid Sunday.

Among them, stories elicited by Willie Mays;

The life of a basketball journeyman named Moom now playing for the Cavaliers;

Baron, the coach of Rhode Island, and formerly St. Bonaventure.

And I'm going to re-read "I.O.U." a wonderfully posited book on our financial troubles.

Even the Cincinnati Enquirer outdid itself today with a tear-out section on Duke Energy's Smart Grid doings. I hope to be the first to try it (I'm the first to apply, they told me).
