Sunday, June 21, 2009

Why I Was Too Busy

(c) 2009 F. Bruce Abel

Every year up here on this absolutely quiet island in Canada my mind settles down after a wonderful evening with my family and a good night's sleep and a beautiful calm day arising on the Georgian Bay, I am settled enough to call up my favorite past blogs I have posted -- I have done blogging now for almost three years. Some, just a few, are just "edits" which means that they are not "published," and they contain diary-like remembrances that the reader would not find of interest.

Most -- 499 out of 500, say -- are not of this variety because I believe the reader will get something deeper out of it as I did.

One that I have published, over and over again, is "Why I Was Too Busy to Write This Paper."

You see we belong to a Glendale Literary Club, Glendale, Ohio, which has 16 or so couples who live in Glendale, which meets once a month on a Sunday night at the home of a member, or at the Glendale Lyceum library. After wine, coffee and pastries, the hosts give an original paper, usually about twenty minutes long.

Beth Smith, who lives with John, her husband, in the Hubbards' old house, wrote this paper in February, 2004, when I was Secretary of the club. I wanted to cancel the meeting because a big impending snow storm was coming.

Being secretary, I easily got the paper and scanned it. (With permission.)

The paper, not the snow storm, staggered me with its jewel-like clarity and force.

I have scanned this paper into my blog "numerous of times," as one of my clients says.

(With permission.)

I then have created a "label" entitled "Why I Was Too Busy" so the reader can enjoy this paper for himself.
