Thursday, May 8, 2008


On the topic of CNBC, one of the inherent weaknesses is You don't really know what the interviewees are actually doing, or what their institutional constraints are. Going short on things they can't say?

Although it's a lot better than it used to be, say in the late 1980's.

There's an ad for a seminar showing people sitting in an auditorium soaking up some guru who is pointing to a chart of something. One audience is shaking his head as though he got some important point. These seminars are worthless and they charge $1000's of dollars for the weekend.

"See that dip, that's where we buy!" Oh, yeah. What about if we change the parameters. Say 30-minutes rather than 15 minutes.

It's like looking at the US coastline from a satellite. Looks a lot different
than if you're walking the beach in North Carolina.
