Monday, September 10, 2007

Cramer is Lost

Procter = The Eagles, in his theme this week, which is as though he is drafting his anti-Bernanke draft. One of six draft picks tonight. Since this Blog comes to you from Cincinnai, I mention it.

It seems to me that Cramer is lost. He created a theme -- that the market was heading back up -- which lasted successfully -- for about two days. But really he got optimistic too early 2 weeks ago and then drifted off. Now he's back saying he's been calling a recession all along.

Remember, Cramer cannot tell people to sell short. So he's constrained to guide his patrons into defensive stocks and non-Bernanke segments. So far so good.

Lightning Round:

Wachovia (WB)? Yield is safe. Hold onto he says. Bank of America too.

One question I have of Cramer. Are you 52 or 62. On your clips you say 62. But everything else points to 52. I have no problem with either, or saying both in different circumstances.
